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Download and try the latest WinGate 9 free for 30 days.

You are not running the current version of WinGate

Thank you for choosing to use our products.

Your system reports that you are running version 5.0.10. However the current version is WinGate 9.0.0

We recommend you upgrade to the latest version. You may renew version protection on your existing WinGate 5 license which will allow it to be used in the latest version of WinGate

Did you know...There are several optional plugins available

Kaspersky AntiVirus for WinGate
Combined with WinGate, Kaspersky AntiVirus for WinGate gives you the security of Kaspersky Labs' highly-respected scanning technology for your WinGate traffic. Scan email or attachments, FTP, and web (HTTP) traffic for viruses. Also protects web browsers from hijacking and iframe exploits. More...

Lumen for WinGate
Lumen for WinGate is a web content classification plugin for WinGate. It allows administrators to set access policy based on the type of a site, rather than having to set policy on a site-by-site basis. More...

SMS Connector for WinGate
SMS Connector for WinGate allows you to send and receive SMS messages using a mobile phone or SMS modem directly connected to the WinGate server. Send alerts, and receive commands back. Independent of internet connection.